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Change of address notification

You’ll need your online bank user ID or Posti credentials to log in. You can choose if you want to let both or just one of Posti and the Digital and Population Data Services Agency know of your move. In the same notification, you can also list the family members who are moving with you. If your home address is also your business address, remember to submit a notification of change of address separately for your company.

Posti and DVV
Posti and DVV

Change of address notification

You’ll need your online bank user ID or Posti credentials to log in. You can choose if you want to let both or just one of Posti and the Digital and Population Data Services Agency know of your move. In the same notification, you can also list the family members who are moving with you. If your home address is also your business address, remember to submit a notification of change of address separately for your company.

Foreign citizen

Please note that the municipality of residence cannot be applied with a notification of change of address but with a separate online form. For more information, visit the Digital and Population Data Services Agency website.

Інформація для тих, хто приїхав з України

Зверніть увагу, що заявка на постійну прописку в муніципалітеті проживання подається не через форму сповіщення про переїзд, а окремою онлайн формою. Детальніша інформація на сайті Агентства цифрової інформації та обліку населення (Digital and Population Data Services Agency).
People moving

When does the Digital and Population Data Services Agency need to be notified of your move? 

Notify the Digital and Population Data Services Agency of your move if:  

  • You’re moving permanently  

  • You’re moving temporarily for more than 3 months 

  • You’re moving abroad from Finland 

 According to the law, the notification must be made within one week of the move. Among other things, your permanent address determines your taxation municipality, voting location and entitlement to certain social security services. A temporary change of address will not affect the official municipality of residence. 

Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s privacy statement

Woman at mailbox

Looking for a printed form?

If you prefer to submit your notification of change of address using a printed form, you can pick one up at a Posti outlet or a Digital and Population Data Services Agency service point. As the forms are individually numbered, you can’t print one out online.

You can only submit a printed form at Posti or the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s service point, i.e. you can’t mail it, for example. When you submit the form, we’ll ask to see your ID.

Posti outlets

Digital and Population Data Services Agency service point

Instructions on how to complete the form

Watch the video for the instructions and submit a notification of change of address

You can now use our handy online service to submit a notification of change of address both for yourself and any family members moving with you.

Please remember to check which companies and organizations will receive your new address automatically through either Posti or the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.


Video explaining how to make a change of address notification.