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Poste restante

What is poste restante intended for?

When you give a sender a poste restante address, any mail sent to it is delivered to a Posti outlet where you can pick it up with an ID. Poste restante addresses are meant for private persons. They are not available for businesses.

Using a poste restante address to receive mail is free of charge. If you want to forward your mail from your home address to a poste restante address on a temporary basis, use fixed-term forwarding. You can’t have your mail forwarded from a poste restante address to another address.

You can officially change your address to a poste restante address. That said, it is not intended for permanent use; it’s primarily intended as a temporary mail address.

Using a poste restante address

Check the postal code search for a suitable poste restante service point. In the search field, write ‘poste restante’ and the place, such as “poste restante Tampere”.

Notify senders of your address:

  • your official first name and last name


  • postal code and city/municipality

Example: Mary Smith POSTE RESTANTE 33100 TAMPERE

Please bear in mind that not all Posti outlets offer the poste restante service. All poste restante service points are listed in the postal code search. Poste restante items may not be redirected to or picked up at other service points.

Picking up your mail

You have 14 days to pick up a poste restante item. After that, it is returned to the sender. We’ll also return the item if it’s missing the recipient’s official first name and last name.

We’ll ask you to show your ID when picking up an item.

You can use a power of attorney to have someone else pick up your item for you. For example, if you’re picking up the whole family’s mail at once, you’ll need a power of attorney from all family members.

Poste restante pickup point locations

All the poste restante pickup points in Finland are listed in the postal code search. In the search field, write ‘poste restante’ and the place, such as “poste restante Joensuu”. In many places, the number of service points offering the poste restante service has been reduced.

The list below shows the poste restante pickup point locations in the major cities. The cities’ other outlets do not offer the poste restante service.

Helsinki Poste restante 00510 Helsinki (Vallila) Street address: Sturenkatu 21

Poste restante 00880 Helsinki (Herttoniemi) Street address: Linnanrakentajantie 4

Espoo Poste restante 02100 Espoo Street address: Piispansilta 11 (Iso Omena)

Vantaa Poste restante 01300 Vantaa (Tikkurila) Street address: Asematie 4

Lahti Poste restante 15500 Lahti Street address: Ajokatu 53 (K-Citymarket Laune)

Turku Poste restante 20100 Turku Street address: Uhrilähteenkatu 2, 20250 Turku

Pori Poste Restante 28100 Pori Street address: Hevoshaankatu 3

Tampere Poste Restante 33100 Tampere Street address: Sellukatu 15, 33400 Tampere

Jyväskylä Poste Restante 40100 Jyväskylä Street address: Vapaudenkatu 48

Kouvola Poste Restante 45100 Kouvola Street address: Tervasharjunkatu 1, 45720 Kuusankoski

Mikkeli Poste restante 50150 Mikkeli Käyntiosoite: Business point terminal, Timpurinkatu 1

Lappeenranta Poste Restante 53100 Lappeenranta Street address: Harapaisentie 57

Vaasa Poste Restante 65100 Vaasa Street address: Meijerinkatu 2-4

Kuopio Poste Restante 70100 Kuopio Street address: Kauppakatu 40–42

Oulu Poste Restante 90100 Oulu Street address: Tehtaankatu 5

Rovaniemi Poste Restante 96100 Rovaniemi Street address: Lapinkävijäntie 1