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Terms of Use for Electronic Consumer Services as of 1.11.2024


1 Subject of agreement, contracting parties and terms and order of precedence

1 Subject of agreement, contracting parties and application of terms of agreement

1.1 These terms of use (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms of Use”) apply to the consumer (hereinafter referred to as “the Customer”) web services that require registration (hereinafter referred to as the “Services”) provided by Posti Ltd (Business ID 2344200-4), Posti Distribution Ltd (Business ID 0109357-9) and other companies belonging to the Posti Group (hereinafter referred to as Posti).

1.2 The contents of the Services and the Company providing the Services shall be determined in accordance with these Terms of Use and in accordance with the Specific Terms of Service (hereinafter referred to as the “Service Agreement”) and in accordance with the information presented by Posti in connection with the Services. Posti’s contracting party is the Posti Group company that provides the Service. The OmaPosti service is provided by Posti Ltd. Posti’s consumer services are also subject to Posti’s general delivery terms for cash and consumer customers (“General delivery terms”). By registering to the Services or using the Services, the Customer accepts and agrees to abide by the Terms of Use and other terms and conditions applicable to the Services as well as any guidelines or instructions Posti provides in connection with the Services, on its website or in any other way. If the terms are in conflict, the special terms and conditions of the Service Agreement and Service-specific information presented in connection with the said Service will be applicable.

1.3 Posti’s contact details Street address: Postintaival 7 A, FI-00230 HELSINKI. Postal address P.O. Box 1, FI-00011 POSTI Inquiries concerning the service:

2 Registration as the Customer and access to the Services

2.1 Access to the Services requires registration as a user of the Services, verification of identity and contact information, and acceptance of the Terms of Use and any terms and conditions that are applicable to the Service.

The Customer shall have access to the Services based on identifiers given during registration or otherwise. The methods of registration valid at the time are described in connection with the Services.

2.2 Using the Services may require a certain age or another special condition, such as a Finnish personal identity number. Service-specific special conditions are presented in connection with each Service or third party service. However, the Customer must be a natural person who is at least 15 years old. Persons under the age of 15 may not accept the Terms of Use in their own name.

3 Processing of the Customer’s personal data and data protection

The Customer’s personal data shall be entered in Posti’s customer register upon registration. The Customer’s personal data shall be processed in accordance with applicable law, the Terms of Use and Service Agreements as well as in accordance with the privacy statement of the customer register.

3.2 The Customer shall be requested in advance for any consent thereto when the Customer registers for the Service, in connection with the Services or by other means, if such consent is necessary in order to process personal data.

3.3 Personal data provided in connection with the Services may enable the Customer to also use or order products and services of third parties. In such a case, the Customer shall be notified of the transfer or other processing of personal data no later than in connection with such processing. Should the transfer or other processing of personal data require the Customer's consent, such consent shall be requested no later than in connection with the processing.

3.4 During registration, Posti shall provide the Customer with a “postal name”, which shall be similar in nature to a “permanent address”. The postal name shall be used to verify unambiguously the identification of the Customer during the implementation of the Services at Posti and between Posti and its partners. With the Customer's consent, the postal name may also be used for other purposes. Posti can obtain and maintain the Customer’s contact information from Posti’s databases in order to provide Posti’s digital services. However, Posti shall be under no obligation to check or correct the information that the Customer provides in connection with the Services.

3.5 The Services’ data protection and information security policies and related instructions are described on Posti’s websites.

3.6 In connection with certain Services, Posti may process personal data that are the property of the Customer when providing the services. Such data may be, for instance, the Customer’s personal data in the Customer’s address book in the Address Book Service. The Customer may only process the personal data for purely personal purposes or for comparable ordinary and private purposes. Posti processes such personal data on behalf of the Customer for the above-mentioned purpose. Should the Service involve processing of personal data that is possessed by the Customer, the Customer authorizes Posti to arrange on its behalf, using EU model clauses, to transfer this personal data, which is possessed by the Customer, to a subcontractor outside the EU for the purposes of service provision. The EU model clauses ensure that provisions similar to EU legislation are applied to the processing of the personal data outside of EU borders. The transfer does not affect data protection or the confidentiality of information.

4 Use of Services

4.1 The Customer agrees to use the Services according to the applicable terms and conditions, instructions, laws and good practice. The Customer is entitled to use the Services according to the purpose of the Service. Without a written consent from the assignee, the Customer is not allowed to copy, distribute, present in public or commercially utilize the Service or parts of it. The Services are only intended for private use by private persons. The Services may not be used for business purposes or as a means of communication in marketing or business.

4.2 The Customer receives and uses the Service at their own risk. The Customer shall cover all of the expenses incurred by using the Services. The Customer is responsible for any orders or payments made or other actions taken in the Services.

4.3 Use of the Service may also enable access to the use or ordering of products and services offered by third parties. In addition, the Services may contain advertising of Posti or third parties. Posti shall not be responsible for the products or services of third parties or for any material, information or other content provided by them. If the Customer acquires products or services provided by third parties, the third party in question shall be responsible for such products and services. Posti shall not be responsible for the offers of third parties or the content thereof. Third parties may register their own customers in their customer register, and they bear the responsibility for the register and the processing of data.

5 Prices, payment methods and terms of payment

5.1 Prices The prices for Posti’s Services shall be determined by Posti’s price lists valid at the time. The price lists are available in connection with the Services. Other third parties shall be responsible for the pricing of their own products and services, and for providing the prices and other necessary information to the Customer.

5.2 Price changes Any price changes to permanent services selected by the Customer will be announced in accordance with Section 8.3. The respective price for other services shall be given in connection with each service.

5.3 VAT Any changes to VAT or other changes in the prices of services caused by legislation, statutes or measures taken by the authorities shall be taken into account with immediate effect upon their time of entry into force, at which time they shall automatically be added to the prices. Notification of all such changes shall be given in connection with the Services.

5.4 Payment Methods Services may be paid for using the methods of payment described in connection with the Services. In saving payment card data, a third party approved in accordance with international standards (PCI DSS Card Industry Data Security Standard) registers and saves the card data. Posti charges the agreed fees from the payment card. The accessible methods of payment may change. Notifications of such changes shall be given in connection with the Services.

6 Customer’s responsibilities

6.1 IDs The use of identifiers (e.g. username and password) shall be equivalent to the Customer’s personal signature in connection with payment transactions, placement of orders and other transactions. The Customer agrees to binding responsibility for all of the measures taken using the Customer's identifier, by an act of the Customer or by order of the Customer. Should the Customer’s identifier fall into the hands of a third party or become lost, the Customer shall immediately replace their identifier or notify Posti thereof. The Customer’s responsibility for use of the identifier and any damage caused to others by such use ends with immediate effect upon the Customer having given notification to Posti Customer Service or upon the Customer having replaced his identifier. Additional information on the handling of identifiers can be found in Posti’s Guidelines on Privacy Protection and IT Security. Posti may hand over the Customer’s identifiers to parties other than the Customer only by authorization granted by the Customer or by virtue of law.

6.2 Equipment and Software The Customer shall be personally responsible for ensuring that the equipment, software and data communications connections used by the Customer comply with the requirements specified by Posti. The Customer shall be personally liable for the cost and operation of the equipment, software and communications and data communications connections required for the use of the Services as well as for their adequate and sufficient protection and information security. When using the Services, the Customer is obligated to comply with the currently valid user instructions, security guidelines and other instructions and guidelines of Posti. Detailed information can be found in Posti’s Guidelines on Privacy Protection and IT Security.

6.3 Information The Customer shall provide information necessary for the Services. The Customer shall immediately notify Posti of any changes in the information given. The Customer shall be responsible for the accuracy of the information given for the Services. Posti shall verify the Customer’s identity only. Posti shall be under no obligation to check or correct other information provided by the Customer in connection with the Services.

6.4 Material Posti shall not monitor the material produced, sent, conveyed or otherwise processed when utilizing the Services, nor shall it be responsible for any illegal or offensive contents of such material. When using the Services, the Customer shall be responsible for not producing, sending, storing or otherwise processing any material that violates copyright or other rights, good practice, law, or official orders. The Customer is responsible for acquiring the necessary permits and consents for the use of any material within the Services in advance from, for instance, the private individuals included in the materials, assignees or other third parties. Violations may result in an obligation to compensate for the damage or loss that is caused thereby, and may lead to penal sanctions.

The Customer is, at their own cost, responsible for any disputes related to their material and any consequent legal expenses and other such costs, damages and any other compensation obligations. The Customer shall be responsible for the contents and mode of presentation of material that they have sent or otherwise processed with the aid of or via the Services. If the Customer is able to add their own material to the Services, they must ensure prior to any use of such material, that the material does not breach the Terms of Use, the Service Agreements or guidelines provided by Posti and that the material does not contain viruses or other properties that may cause damage or loss.

The Customer shall be responsible for ensuring that they do not import into the Services any material that contains viruses or other harmful properties and that they do not distribute or otherwise harmfully process such material. The Customer shall undertake not to use the Services for sending detrimental or disruptive messages, such as spam, chain letters and unsolicited mass postings.

6.5 Consequences If the information provided or material supplied to Posti by the Customer is in violation of the Terms of Use, the Service Agreements or Posti’s instructions, Posti shall not be under obligation to implement the Services in accordance with the aforementioned Agreements or information provided by Posti on the Services. If it becomes apparent that the material processed by the Customer with the aid of the Services is offensive in content, infringes upon another party's copyright or other rights, violates law, the Terms of Use or the terms of the Service Agreements or may cause damage or loss, Posti shall be entitled to delete such material. Furthermore, Posti shall be entitled, on grounds of misuse, to cancel the Agreement and/or to suspend use of the Services in accordance with Clauses 9.1, 9.2 and 9.3.

7 Posti’s Responsibility and Liability

7.1 Posti’s contractual party’s responsibility for the Services is defined in these Terms of Use and additionally, or divergently, in the Service Agreements and in connection with the Services.

7.2 Posti will be responsible for ensuring that the encryption and security methods used in Service-related data transfer and processing are appropriate, so that the said methods will ensure the protection of confidentiality as prescribed by law when using the Services. Posti will administer the Services in such a way that they are available for use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Posti may temporarily suspend the Services, e.g. due to alterations or repairs, or measures caused by system maintenance. Posti will not guarantee the continuous or flawless availability of the Services.

7.3 The sender will be responsible for the contents and form of electronic letters and electronic copies of printed letters as well as other material conveyed by Posti. The sender will also be responsible for having obtained all necessary consents and approvals from the recipient, and for the fact that the law in force entitles them to send electronic letters and electronic copies of printed letters to recipients. Posti will only be responsible for the materials produced by Posti.

7.4 Posti’s contractual party’s liability for damages shall be determined according to the laws and terms subject to the Service. The liability and compensation principles set out in Posti’s General terms of delivery shall also be followed.

7.5 Posti will only be liable for direct damage limited to the amount paid by the Customer for said Service, unless otherwise prescribed in mandatory applicable law.

7.6 The Customer shall as soon as possible notify Posti of any errors they have discovered in the Service. The notification must be submitted within a reasonable time after the consumer discovered the error or should have discovered it. Transport Services have sector-specific rules for remarks and expiry, which are indicated in the general terms of delivery.

8 Amending the terms of the agreement

8.1 The Customer will be aware of the fact that Posti is continuously developing the Services, which is why the range and contents of the Services available for use may change. Posti has the right to discontinue the provision of the Services or a part of them. In such a case, Posti will be entitled to terminate the Agreement with respect to the Services or the part thereof that has been discontinued in accordance with Section 9.1.

8.2 If the Customer’s obligations are not increased or their rights decreased by an amendment to the Terms of Use or the Service Agreement, or if the amendment to the agreement is due to a change in legislation or a decision taken by the authorities, Posti will be entitled to give notification of such a change in connection with the Services. Any amendment due to a change in legislation or a decision taken by the authorities will enter into force with immediate effect. Other amendments will enter into force at the time notified by Posti.

8.3 If the Customer’s obligations are increased or their rights decreased by an amendment to the Agreement or if the amendment is not due to a change in legislation or a decision taken by the authorities, Posti shall notify the Customer of the amendment by printed or electronic letter or by other, personal means through the Services or in some other manner. The amendment will enter into force at the time notified by Posti, but not earlier than after 30 days of Posti having announced the amendment.

8.4 If the Customer does not accept the new terms once having received notification from Posti in accordance with Section 8.3, the Customer will be entitled to terminate the Agreement. If the Customer submits a notice of termination to Posti in the manner described in Section 9.1 no later than seven (7) days prior to the entry into force of the new terms, the new terms will not be binding on the Customer. In such a case, the Customer will be bound by the old terms until the entry into force of the new terms. The Customer’s contractual relation will expire upon the entry into force of the new terms at the latest.

9 Validity, Termination and Cancellation of Agreements and Closure of Services

9.1 Validity and Termination ofthe Agreement The Agreement will become effective once the Customer has accepted the terms of the Service by registering or by other means. The Agreement is valid until further notice. Having conducted the Agreement, the Customer shall have the right to cancel it within fourteen (14) days. However, the cancellation right will cease to exist once the Customer has started using the Services. The Services may be subject to cancellation right exceptions based on the Finnish Consumer Protection Act. Related information is provided in conjunction with the Service. Posti may terminate the Agreement concerning the Service with a 30-day notice. The Customer may terminate the Agreement with a 14 days’ notice. The notice period shall be calculated from the date on which the notice is given. The Customer may terminate the Agreement in connection with the Services or by telephoning Posti Customer Service.

9.2 Termination of the Agreement Posti may terminate the Agreement without any period of notice if the Customer uses the Services in a manner that is in violation of these Terms of Use, the Service Agreements, or law or good practice; if the Customer provides false information into the Services; or if the Customer uses or attempts to use the Services in a manner that jeopardizes their operation or data security arrangements. Posti shall terminate the Agreement without any period of notice upon receiving notification of the demise of the Customer. The Services may determine the Service-specific procedures related to the demise of the Customer.

9.3 Closure of the Services Posti may close the Services in full or in part if there is a justified reason to suspect misuse or if the Services or part thereof is the target of an IT security attack or if Posti has another comparable, justified reason to close the Services. The Customer may, without terminating the Agreement, request that Posti deactivates their identifiers for a given period of time or for until further notice.

9.4 Upon expiry or termination of the Agreement, the Customer shall no longer have access to the Service and the material in it, such as information, content or materials recorded by the Customer in the Service.

10 Other Terms and Conditions

10.1 All rights (right of ownership, copyright and other intellectual property rights) to the Services and to material related thereto and offered by Posti, shall remain with Posti or its licensors. Rights to the products and services of Other Service Providers and to material related thereto shall remain with the respective service providers or their licensors.

10.2 This Agreement shall be governed by Finnish law. Any disputes shall be settled in the District Court of Helsinki, or should the Consumer Customer so desire, in the District Court of their domicile. If the Customer is not domiciled in Finland, disputes shall be settled in the District Court of Helsinki.

The Customer also has the right to submit a dispute related to the Agreement to the Consumer Disputes Board, the decisions of which are recommendations in nature. Before submitting a matter for processing by the Consumer Disputes Board, the consumer must contact the consumer rights advisors at a Local Register Office.

10.3 The Customer’s messages or other material shall be stored in the Services for a period of time stated in these Terms of Use, the Service Agreements or in connection with the Services. Once the use of the Services ends, the Customer shall be personally responsible for saving or printing messages and other material they require.

10.4 Posti shall be entitled to transfer the Customer’s agreements to another company within the Group.

10.5 The contractual obligations shall not be binding to the Parties if fulfilling them is prevented by force majeure.

11 Electronic letters

11.1 The Customer can receive electronic letters and electronic copies of printed letters in the electronic mailbox of the Service (herein OmaPosti) as well as read, store, print, save and remove them. Electronic letters may be, for instance, invoices, payslips, agreements, customer messages or other types of messages.

In order to be able to use the Service, the Customer’s contact details must be included in Posti’s address information system. Customer address data included in Posti’s address system can be used for delivering the message to the recipient

11.2 The Customer can select the Senders from among those that have joined the Service as ones from which they prefer to receive letters primarily in their electronic mailbox, in which case the electronic letters of these Senders will no longer be transmitted to the Customer on paper. Regardless of the Customer’s selection, the Senders are always entitled to also send electronic letters through other means.

Moreover, upon the assignment of the Sender, an electronic copy of a letter sent to the Customer also on paper can be submitted to the electronic mailbox. The Customer can completely prohibit the reception of copies of printed letters in the settings of the OmaPosti Service.

An electronic letter and an electronic copy of a printed letter will only be transmitted to the Customer’s electronic mailbox if the Customer’s identifying data matches the recipient data entered by the Sender into the message and identifies the recipient.

Regardless of what has been stated the above in this section, the letter will not be transmitted on paper if the Sender has selected electronic delivery method as the sole method of delivery, for example, for payslips sent to the electronic mailbox by the employer and customer messages and notifications sent by Posti.

11.3 Posti has the right to delete the choices that the Customer has made about the Senders of the electronic letters transmitted to the electronic mailbox Sender under the following circumstances (not applicable to the electronic copy of a printed letter):

  • The Customer has not logged on to the Service in the last three (3) months, and there are unread electronic invoices in the Customer’s electronic mailbox;

  • The Customer has not logged on to the Service in the last twelve (12) months, the Customer has selected messages from Senders only electronically and the Customer has unread electronic letters that are more than two months old; or

  • Posti has been informed of the Customer’s death.

Posti will notify the Customer about the deletion of Sender selections fourteen (14) days prior to the deletion with an electronic letter or an email to the email address provided by the Customer. New electronic letters from the Sender will subsequently be delivered on paper and as their electronic copies in accordance with Clause 11.2.

Posti recognizes as invoices only electronic letters with a bar code used for payment.

11.4 An electronic letter will be considered as delivered to the Customer when it has been delivered to the Customer’s electronic mailbox to await the Customer’s visit/reading.

11.5 To implement the Service, personal data can be disclosed to all the Senders who have joined the Service or to other parties necessary for transmitting letters.

11.6 Posti can deliver a receipt to the Sender on the time of handing over electronic letters and a list of those who have selected/received the letters of the Sender electronically as well as on unread letters in situations referred to in Clause 11.3.

11.7 Electronic advice of delivery The Sender can request delivery of an electronic letter to the addressee Customer against an advice of delivery. In that case, the Customer is asked to acknowledge the electronic letter with advice of delivery as received prior to opening it. Posti will provide the Sender with a receipt of the addressee's acknowledgement and the time of delivery. Unacknowledged electronic letters with advice of delivery will be retained in the electronic mailbox for the period specified in the Service description. If the Customer fails to acknowledge the electronic letter with the advice of delivery as received within the specified time, the electronic letter with the advice of delivery will become outdated and can no longer be opened. The Sender of the electronic letter with the advice of delivery will be provided with a receipt for having sent the electronic letter with the advice of delivery, in addition to the above-mentioned receipt. The receipt for having sent the electronic letter with the advice of delivery contains information on the time of delivery and recipient of the electronic letter with the advice of delivery. An electronic letter with advice of delivery will be delivered to the Customer once the Customer has acknowledged receipt of the electronic letter with the advice of delivery.

11.8 Posti will not supervise the content of the electronic letters and electronic copies of printed letters it has transmitted to the electronic mailbox. The Sender is responsible for the format and content of electronic letters and electronic copies of printed letters and links they may contain, as well as for the correctness of data (e.g. bar codes on invoices).

11.9 Archiving and access to the electronic mailbox The Customer may retain the messages received in their electronic mailbox during the validity of the Service Agreement. When the Service Agreement ceases to be in effect, the Customer will no longer have access to the electronic mailbox. Posti has the right to inform senders of the eventual termination of the Customer’s Service Agreement. When the Service Agreement terminates, Posti can alter the method of delivery and transfer electronic letters and electronic copies of printed letters only on paper, provided that the sender has agreed on such a procedure with Posti.

12 Invoice payment services

12.1 Description of the service and information on the service provider The Service is an invoice payment service used through OmaPosti and through which the Customer is able to pay invoices. Through the service, the Customer gives Posti the right to save and store their personal data, such as name, address and payment card token and bank account number, enabling invoice management and payment procedures.

12.2 Through the Service, the Customer may activate payment services provided by other third parties in accordance with the applicable terms and conditions and policies of such third parties. In order to activate third-party services, the Customer must conclude a separate agreement with the third party in question either through Posti’s Service or directly with such third party. Posti shall in no way be responsible or liable for any such third-party services. By activating such third-party services through the Service, the Customer consents to and acknowledges that Posti may disclose information needed for the conclusion and implementation of the agreement to the third party in question.

12.3 The methods of payment available in the Service are the ones available at the time.

12.4 The Customer must choose a personal PIN code or other identifier required for using the Service. The identifiers required at the time are described in connection with the Service. The Customer will be personally responsible for all use of the Service under their identifiers, and for any costs or fees incurred from this in full. In case an identifier is obtained by or become known to an outsider, goes missing or is used by an unauthorized person, the Customer will immediately notify Posti thereof.

12.5 Posti has the right to refuse to grant the Customer the right to use the Service if the information required in order to use the Service is not provided in full, the Customer’s information is incomplete or erroneous or the Customer otherwise does not, at Posti’s discretion, fulfill the conditions for granting the right to use the Service. The access right may also be canceled or discontinued based on similar reasons.

12.6 Through the Service, invoice payments can only be made to a Finnish bank account. The number of invoices available to be paid through the Service may be limited, for instance, with a daily quantity limit or maximum amount. In the service, there may be other limitations applicable at the time that affect executing payment orders. Payment transactions may be rejected due to limitations applicable at the time.

12.7 It is not possible to agree on usage restrictions or other conditions for the Customer’s payment instrument in the Service. The terms of use of the payment card and other payment instruments are determined by the agreement between the Customer and the service provider (e.g. bank) providing the payment instrument in question.

12.8 Delivery of invoices to the Service, giving and transfer of payment orders The Customer understands that the issuer of the invoice is responsible for sending and delivering invoices to the Customer. The issuer of the invoice will be solely responsible for the content of an invoice submitted to the Service and for the invoice being correct and justified.

12.9 The Customer is responsible for invoices being approved for payment. Prior to giving the payment order, the Customer will always check that the invoices received are correct and justified to their content and also otherwise. Remarks on invoices will always be directed to the issuer of the invoice.

12.10 The Customer is responsible for having sufficient funds for the payment of invoices on the payment instrument they have reported. Posti or the third party service provider does not carry out the payment order if there are insufficient funds on the Customer's method or if the payment method's limit has been exceeded or the payment cannot be made for some other similar reason.

12.11 The Customer accepts that, in connection with execution of the payment order, Posti has the right to disclose identification information concerning the Customer, invoice and payment to the third party service provider.

12.12 The Customer is responsible for possible fees charged by the issuer of the invoice due to changes made in the information of the invoice, e.g. change of the invoice due date.

12.13 A specification of the payment orders executed through the Services is electronically available in the Service. The specification includes information on the issuer of the invoice, the date of the payment order and the amount of the payment.

12.14 Prices for invoice payment services The prices for invoice payment services shall be given in connection with the Service. Third parties shall be responsible for the pricing of their own products and services and for providing this information to the Customer.

12.15 If the Customer’s payment is delayed, Posti is entitled to send the Customer a payment reminder and charge legal penalty interest and an invoice reminder fee. Posti may also transfer the receivable to be collected by a collection agency.

12.16 Posti’s liability Posti is not responsible for the Customer’s outstanding or delayed payment of invoices or for the payment of invoices with changed payment information or without checking them or if a fake invoice has been paid. Furthermore, Posti shall not be liable for the correctness of the information provided by the Customer or for any loss or inconvenience incurred by the Customer or a third party as a result of incorrect or insufficient information.

12.17 Posti is not a party to the contract between the Customer and the issuer of the invoice. The basis for the invoices as well as the delivery and receipt of invoices occur between the Customer and the issuer of the invoice and on their responsibility.

12.18 Communication, customer complaints The delivery of the Service and communication with the Customer is done in Finnish, Swedish or English, as agreed between the Customer and Posti. Posti may communicate with the Customer by sending information through the Service or in writing to another contact address provided by the Customer. The notice is deemed received at the latest on the seventh (7) day after the notice has been sent or made available. Information about payment transactions is provided to the Customer through the Service.

12.19 Data Security and Security Posti arranges its business and the data security of the Service in a generally accepted way and effectively and seeks to prevent unauthorized access to the Service and personal data using appropriate technical solutions.

12.20 The Customer shall store their identifiers carefully and observe an enhanced duty of care when giving payment orders. The use of a mobile device must be prevented by protecting the device with a password. The PIN code inquiry must not be removed. The PIN code must be changed when the mobile device is taken into use.