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Additional subscription to have your mail delivered closer to you

Mail to your doorstep

We don’t always deliver your mail to your home yard or summer home yard, but slightly further away to a mailbox along the delivery route. By subscribing to the Nearby Mailbox service, you can even get your mail delivered to your doorstep. The service is subject to a charge.

The Nearby Mailbox service now also includes the publications delivered in Posti’s early-morning delivery. In other words, you won’t need a separate service for your morning newspaper. If the morning newspaper is delivered to a pickup point (drop box) during early distribution, it is not possible to deliver the subscribed newspaper to the nearby box.

To activate the service, log in to Posti’s web service and select Nearby Mailbox at Home or Nearby Mailbox at a Summer Home. Posti’s web service

Please note that mail is also delivered by companies other than Posti. These services only affect our mail delivery.

Cost of service

The price of the Nearby Mailbox service is contingent on how far the preferred location is from the actual delivery route. We will confirm the subscription if:

  • The location can be safely reached all year round by a public road

  • The extra distance the deliverer has to drive there and back is no more than 2 km when compared to the original delivery route.

Nearby Mailbox Service

Establishment charge


Nearby Mailbox at home

EUR 10.12

Nearby Mailbox at a summerhome

EUR 10.12

Pricing is based on the Establishment Charge and the annual fee for the return diversion. Diversion means the journey from the normal delivery route to the delivery point requested by the customer and the return back to the route.

The establishment charge is not refundable on cancellation or termination of the service if the provision of the service has already begun with the customer’s consent.

Nearby Mailbox at Home

Diversion from the normal delivery route (in meters)

Price / year

0 – 10 m Mailbox located along standard delivery route

153,84 €

11 – 50 m

182,18 €

51 – 200 m

202,42 €

201 – 300 m

509,08 €

301 – 500 m

679,12 €

501 – 1 000 m

1 020,19 €

1 001 – 2 000 m

1 442,24 €

Diversion means the journey from the normal delivery route to the delivery point requested by the customer and the return back to the route. With the Nearby Mailbox at Home service, you get to decide where your mailbox is located at your home address. The Nearby Mailbox service allows you to have your day mail and also the morning newspaper delivered closer to you.

Nearby Mailbox at a Summer Home

Diversion from the normal delivery route (in meters)

Price / 1st month

Price / each additional month

0 – 10 m Mailbox located along standard delivery route

15,69 €

14,68 €

11 – 100 m

28,34 €

24,29 €

101 – 500 m

66,80 €

60,73 €

501 – 1 000 m

99,19 €

89,06 €

1 001 – 2 000 m

141,69 €

125,50 €

Diversion means the journey from the normal delivery route to the delivery point requested by the customer and the return back to the route.

With the Nearby Mailbox at a Summer Home service, you get to decide where your mailbox is located at your summer home. The service is always agreed on for a fixed period of at least one week and no longer than six months.

The minimum charge is one month’s fee and the establishment charge. If you want to forward the mail coming to your home address to your holiday home, you will also need to order a fixed-term mail forwarding service. See the exact product terms here.

Tips for summer home residents

You can also get Nearby Mailbox for your summer home. If you spend an extended period of time at your summer home, you may even want to have all your mail delivered there. In this case, please note:

  • If you want us to redirect all the mail delivered to your home to your summer home, please request fixed-term forwarding.

  • You can also ask your newspaper publishers to redirect your newspapers to your summer home.

  • Give your summer home address to Posti as a parallel address. This way, your mail is not accidentally delivered to your permanent address.