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Parallel address

Would you like also to receive mail at a temporary or secondary address? Please provide us with a parallel address.

When we know which different addresses you want to receive mail to, we won't unnecessarily direct all your items to your permanent address. This ensures that the sorting machine identifies the correct address and the item arrives without delay.

A parallel address is a service for receiving incoming mail at a temporary address. For example, if you want to receive mail at your summer home, leisure home or second home, it’s a good idea to add these as your parallel addresses.

  • You can have more than one parallel address.

  • Parallel addresses can be used free of charge.

  • A parallel address will only receive items sent specifically to that address.

Example: Mikko wants the morning paper and the children want their hobby magazines delivered to the summer home through the summer holidays, while the rest of the mail can be delivered to the home address.

  1. Mikko reports the address of the summer home to Posti as a parallel address and agrees on the time period for the publication redirection with each publication’s customer service.

  2. In mail sorting, the name-address pair is identified and publications are redirected straight to the address of the summer home.

  3. The publications are delivered to Mikko’s mailbox along the road to the summer home.

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